Population Balance

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What Does Water Want? | Restoring Earth by Realigning with Water’s Rhythms

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In this episode, we chat with Erica Gies, award-winning journalist and author of Water Always Wins: Thriving in an Age of Drought and Deluge. We explore the complex relationships between water, nature, and human societies, emphasizing the need to embrace 'slow water'—respecting the natural rhythms of water’s cycles for the benefit of both human and nonhuman life. Highlights include:

  • Erica’s personal decision not to have biological children as both a personal choice and a contribution to reducing human pressure on the planet;

  • The concept of 'slow water' and allowing for water’s natural cycles on the land contrasted with modern, infrastructure-heavy approaches that focus on controlling water;

  • The broader implications of population growth on water and the need to address this issue within environmental and degrowth movements;

  • The hidden complexity of natural systems in water ecology and the need to both appreciate our ignorance of these natural systems’ complexity while also working to understand them better in order to live more in harmony with the natural world;

  • The significance of traditional knowledge and ecological wisdom in living more in harmony with natural water cycles. 


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