Selected interviews and presentations for media outlets, podcasts, and organizations are included below. To invite us to speak to your group or organization, please use the Guest Speaker Form. For media interviews, please email media@populationbalance.org.
Boston Architectural College: An Introduction to Pronatalism
One Single Woman Podcast: Ecological Overshoot and Our Future
Population Connection: Confronting Population Denial within the United Nations
Population Media Center: Introduction to Pronatalism
The Dissenter Podcast: We Have an Overpopulation Problem
Third Age Learning at Kwantlen: Confronting Population Denial
University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work: Confronting Pronatalism & Human Supremacy: The Key to Advancing Social and Ecological Justice
University of North Carolina Greensboro: Challenging Pronatalism Is Key to Advancing Reproductive Rights and a Sustainable Population
Boston Architectural College: Reversing Ecological Overshoot
Canadian Association for the Club of Rome: Confronting Population Denial Amid the Unraveling Polycrisis
Canisius University: Confronting Human Exceptionalism
CBC Just Asking: Your Questions about Fertility Treatment Answered
Choose the Bear Podcast: Balancing the Population
Degrowth Aotearoa: Confronting Growthism and Pronatalism for Social and Ecological Justice
Durango Rotary Club: Challenging Human Supremacy
EdWeb Conference: K-12 Climate Change Education: Systems, Solutions, and Action
Fort Lewis College Life-Long Learning Program: The Pervasive Influences of Pronatalism and Human Exceptionalism
Gonzaga University: Confronting Population Denial Amid Unraveling Global Crises
Our Climate Declaration: Confronting Growthism and Pronatalism for Social and Ecological Justice
PAN Thinks: Addressing the Impacts of Human Population Pressures on Animals
Panteion University: Challenging Pronatalism Is Key to Advancing Reproductive Rights and a Sustainable Population
Population Institute: MINI DOCUMENTARY - Behind Every Number, a Person: Reflections on the International Conference on Population and Development
Population Matters London Group: Reversing Ecological Overshoot
Post Carbon Institute: Never Mention Population
Radio 2050: No Vacancy
Sunderland Secondary: Addressing Ecological Overshoot, Pronatalism, and Human Exceptionalism
The Alliance of Childfree Voters: Voters Without Children Zoom Call
The University of Texas at Arlington: Navigating (Non)/Motherhood Within a Pronatalist Landscape
United Nations General Assembly 79: Her Power Summit
University of Denver Department of Geography & the Environment: Confronting Technological Fundamentalism Amid Socio-Ecological Unraveling
University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work (x3): The Pervasive Influences of Pronatalism and Human Exceptionalism
University of Denver Sturm College of Law: Confronting Pronatalism and Human Supremacy
University of North Carolina Greensboro: The Pervasive Influence of Pronatalism
University of Toronto Schools (x2): Ecological Overshoot
University of Toronto Senior College: Connecting the Dots between Reproductive Autonomy and Environmental Sustainability
University of Winchester: Confronting Pronatalism & Human Supremacy: The Key to Advancing Social and Ecological Justice
Canadian Animal Law Conference: Human Expansionism, Reproductive Rights, and Animal Exploitation
Childfree Convention: Pronatalist Propaganda
Deep Transformation Network: The Population Issue: How Should We Think About It—and Talk About It?
Doha Debates: Do We Owe the World Children?
Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts: Introduction to Ecological Overshoot
International Conference on Sustainability Education: Climate Action, Sustainability and Population Dynamics - Placing Girls and Women in Focus
My So-Called Selfish Life Toronto Film Screening: Panel Discussion
National Law School of India University: Pronatalism and its Impact on Reproductive Autonomy
New Legacy Radio: Why is Policy Engagement Essential for People Without Children?
New Legacy Radio: How Pronatalism is Weaponizing Fertility Decline & Childlessness
Ontario Association for Geography and Environmental Education: Connecting the Dots Between Reproductive Autonomy and Environmental Sustainability
Planet: Critical Podcast: How Pronatalism Feeds The Economy
Spinsterhood Reimagined Podcast: Pronatalism and Ecological Overshoot
Syracuse University: Pronatalism and its Impact on Reproductive Autonomy
TruthDig: Too Much? Too Little? Too Late?
University at Buffalo: Confronting Pronatalism & Human Supremacy: The Key to Advancing Social and Ecological Justice
University of Denver (x6): The Pervasive Influences of Pronatalism and Human Exceptionalism
University of New Brunswick: Pronatalism and its Impact on Reproductive Autonomy
University of North Carolina Greensboro: Population Aging and Pronatalist Policies
University of Oxford: Connecting the Dots Between Reproductive Autonomy and Environmental Sustainability
University of Toronto Schools (x3): Introduction to Ecological Overshoot
University of Winchester: Confronting Pronatalism & Human Supremacy: The Key to Advancing Social and Ecological Justice
Wells College: Challenging Pronatalism is Key to Advancing Reproductive Rights and a Sustainable Population
Wisconsin Public Radio: A Minnesota Nonprofit's Solutions to Human Overpopulation
Women and Climate: Bringing Population Back into Sustainability Discourse
Association of Professional Humane Educators: Exploring Our Relationship to Animals in Classrooms and School Communities
Canadian Animal Law Conference: Addressing the Impacts of Human Population Pressures on Animals
CBC Quirks and Quarks with Bob McDonald: Next Week There Will be 8 Billion of Us, and That’s Already Too Many
Childfree Convention: What is Pronatalism?
George Brown College: Population Pressures and Pronatalism
Institute for Learning in Retirement: Challenging Human Supremacy
International Conference on Family Planning: Challenging Pronatalism is Key to Advancing Reproductive Liberation and Planetary Health
My So-Called Selfish Life Discussion Panel: Surviving the Holidays
New Legacy Radio: Recognizing Dimensions of the Global Impact of Pronatalism
Ontario Association for Geography and Environmental Education: Connecting the Dots Between Reproductive Autonomy and Environmental Sustainability
Population 8 Billion Podcast: Pronatalism: Outdated, Unfair, and Unsustainable in a World of 8 Billion
Population Connection: Pronatalism and Overpopulation: Challenging the Social Pressures to Have Children
Population 8 Billion Podcast: Pronatalism: Outdated, Unfair, and Unsustainable in a World of 8 Billion
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Pronatalism and Overpopulation: Challenging the Social Pressures to Procreate
Rewilding Earth Podcast: An Eye-Opening Discussion On Practical Solutions To Human Overpopulation
Sentient Media: The Connection between Reproductive and Animal Injustice
Sunderland Secondary School: Pronatalism and Overpopulation
The Global Witness: Reproductive, Ecological & Intergenerational Justice
University of Toronto Schools: Ecological Overshoot
University of Denver: The Pervasive Influences of Pronatalism and Human Exceptionalism
University of Toronto Schools: Ecological Overshoot
Animal Law Conference: Impact of Human Population Pressures on Animals
Conifer Rotary Club: Pronatalism and Population
Post-Growth Australia Podcast: Beyond World Population Day
The Center for Biological Diversity: 8 Billion Angels Film Screening and Panel Discussion
The Center for Biological Diversity: Contraceptive Convos - Childfree by Choice
Unity Church-Unitarian: Act for the Earth • Extinction: Our Role, Our Responsibility